I’ve been wanting to shoot an entire raw octopus for a while now. I had all of these shot visions meticulously thought out, but when I got the 10 pounds of octopus back to the studio it became clear that they looked nothing like I had envisioned. So after some “hmmmmmms” and one “that’s okay!” the shoot took a turn in a new and different direction. Then I called my friend Secia from Petite Insanities to see if she wanted to hand model in an unusual capacity. As you can see, she is a pretty good sport with a strong stomach for slimy, cold, and somewhat stinky food fun. Awesomeness ensues when your mantra is PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD!!!
Interesting tidbit: Octopus is considered an aphrodisiac, go figure!
I’ll never think of “finger food” the same way again! Ok, no more puns;)
Ewwwwwwww! Hahaha: “finger food.” Love it!
♥ sécia
Had to put a couple cheesy puns in there;)
Wow, the one with the hands is intense! So creative 🙂
Thanks!!! Weird time is fun;)
These are beautiful Crystal! x
Thanks, Meg!!! xo