Citrus Yogurt Bowls with Honeycomb, Toasted Coconut Chips, Candied Ginger & Mint
A fresh and bright breakfast doesn't get any better than this! Juicy, flavorful citrus fruits sing against creamy yogurt, sweet honeycomb, crunchy coconut and leaves of bright mint!
Recipe type: Breakfast, Sides, Snacks
Cuisine: Vegetarian, Gluten-Free
Serves: 2 bowls
  • full-fat greek yogurt or full-fat ricotta
  • 1 pink grapefruit, supremed
  • 1 blood orange, supremed
  • 1 valencia orange, supremed
  • hunk of honeycomb
  • candied ginger
  • roasted coconut chips, lightly toasted for a few minutes
  • fresh mint leaves, to garnish
  1. Spoon as much yogurt or ricotta as your heart desires into each bowl.
  2. Divide citrus among bowls.
  3. Top each bowl with a hunk of honeycomb, a sprinkle each of ginger and coconut chips, and garnish with fresh mint leaves.
  4. Serve with fresh espresso for goodness sakes! (unless the bowl is destined for a 3-year-old, then consider a chamomile tea sedative;) hehe!
Recipe by The Eclectic Kitchen - Crystal Cartier at