GORGEOUS Easter Eggs Dyed with Common Foods!
A simply GORGEOUS and easy natural food dyed easter eggs recipe! Fool-proof and beautiful...
Recipe type: Snacks, Holiday, Breakfast
Cuisine: Vegetarian, Gluten-Free
Dark Blue - Purple Cabbage ( 1 head chopped)
Pink - Red Beets (3-4 beets chopped)
Grey /Stone - Blueberries (1 cup frozen)
Bright Yellow - Turmeric (2 Tablespoons)
Pale Greenish Yellow - Baby Spinach ( 1 fresh bag or ½ frozen bag)
  • Natural dye foods
  • Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1 quart water per color
  • 2 Tablespoon white vinegar per color
  • mason jars to use while dying
  • coconut oil, to rub eggs
  1. Bring each dye food to a boil in a quart of water. Reduce and simmer 30 minutes.
  2. Let cool a bit and strain into a jar. Stir in 2 Tablespoons white vinegar.
  3. Gently submerge boiled eggs into jar of dye. Refrigerate in dye overnight.
  4. The next day, gently pull eggs out of dye and let dry. Rub with coconut oil and polish with a paper towel for a beautiful sheen.
  5. Refrigerate until sharing with happy little hands.
  6. ENJOY!!!
* For a little extra pop, paint or rub eggs with edible gold paint like the photo with the dark blue background. My little one flipped over easter egg bling!
Recipe by The Eclectic Kitchen - Crystal Cartier at https://theeclectickitchen.com/2018/03/23/gorgeous-easter-eggs-dyed-with-common-foods/